
Sunday, January 15, 2012

The Marines Peeing On Taliban Corpses Are Not The True War Criminals.

    As many already have heard, 4 U.S. Marines videotaped themselves pissing on the corpses of Taliban fighters. Since then there have been accusations from the Middle East to D.C. that this is a war crime. However, this incident is rather mundane compared to other acts committed by muslims.
     Take for example the ambush of 4 Blackwater contractors in Fallujah, Iraq in March of 2003, these four men were dragged from their vehicle, tortured,  burned alive, then their bodies dragged through the city and hung from a bridge. The execution of Daniel Pearl, Pearl was a American journalist for the Wall Street Journal in South Asia. Pearl was also Jewish, and one day on assignment in Pakistan was abducted and be headed on video. If any reader wishes to see this video, the link is here (Be warned that there are graphic sequences, including the slitting Mr. Pearl's throat and his decapitation). These are the same people who strap bombs to women and children and blow them up in crowded places to kill Americans and other "infidels". These are the people who flew planes into the WTC, the Pentagon, and a field outside Shanksville, Pennsylvania, all told killing 2,500 Americans. 
     The only thing I have to say against these Marines, is that that they are monumental morons to have videotaped this and posted it on the internet. However, the foolish act does not change the fact that the true war criminals are the men who are being pissed on.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

A Sad Reflection On Our Culture...

Exhibit #1: A concerned citizen protesting Wall Street.

Exhibit #2: War criminals.

(this is sarcasm)

Photo Credit: Weasel Zippers

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

DNC Chair Refuses To Say Obama Will Be A One-Term President.

Watch as DWS attempts to use the age old excuse "it was Bush's fault" to explain why Obama will try for a second term.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

DNC Chair Dodges Question On Obama's Responsibility For Solyandra

     Watch as DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz  "DWS" attempts to evade a question about attacking Mitt Romney. What she fails to mention is that Solyndra was selling solar panels at a rate of  $3.00 versus $1.50 panels from China (Solyndra's manufacturing costs per panel were $6.00). Even though Obama and the Department of Energy probably already knew this they still gave Solyndra a 600 million dollar loan.

Note: Listen to the nervous laugh at 1:36.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Ron Paul Gets Hammered On Earmarks

     At Saturdays debate in New Hampshire, Rick Perry hammered Ron Paul on the fact that Ron Paul requests earmarks then votes against the bill which contains them. Some of the earmarks Ron Paul has requested in FY 2011 are: "$38 million  to "encourage parents to read aloud to their children", $18 million for a light rail study, $4 million for a "Trails and Sidewalks Connectivity Initiative", $11 million for an ACORN-like "Community-Based Job Training Program", $2 million for a "clean energy" pilot project, and many, many more.". Ben Domenech at Richochet has a list of other Ron Paul earmarks which include: $8 million from federal taxpayers for Recreational Fishing Piers, and $2.5 million from taxpayers for "new benches, trash receptacles, bike racks, decorative street lighting.". This only scratches the surface of Ron Paul's many earmarks, all of his earmarks can be located at his congressional website. Doug Ross notes that "Paul typically will make the earmark request, but then votes against or abstains from voting on final passage, so he can maintain his claim to have "never voted for an earmark", even the earmark requests he himself made.".  Also, Ron Paul compares earmarks to the funding of weapons systems and the Iraq embassy, that comes an actual budget which will be used for something useful. Earmarks on the other hand are used to mainly to buy votes by funneling money into a Congressman's district. At the end notice how Ron Paul tries to quickly change the subject to Santorum,

Monday, January 2, 2012

Ron Paul Stars In His Own Twilight Zone Episode

     Now, before I begin, I must say that I am not in favor of Jon Huntsman because he is a liberal and an elitist, (he was endorsed by Michael Moore). That said, this ad highlights some of Ron Paul's dumbest statements ever, which I will proceeded to destroy. 
     The first two soundbites here, which are about the Skull & Bones, the Bilderbergers etc... I kinda sorta agree with it, however, I don't believe it is as widespread as Ron Paul makes it seem. The third soundbite however, is where Ron Paul loses the vote of any true American. He states that the Civil War was senseless because 600,000 Americans died, and then says that we should have bought the slaves and released them. What Ron Paul does not realize is that there were 4,000,000 slaves as of 1860, if the Federal Government bought 4 million slaves at an average price of $250 per person, the price would be $1,000,000,000. This was more than the entire Federal Budget in FY 1860, which was $78,000,000 (the entire U.S. GDP was 4.3 billion dollars). Also, the Union was attacked premptively by the South at Fort Sumter, which gave the Union grounds to attack the South (Ron Paul would say the attack on Fort Sumter was a CIA conspiracy, just like 9/11). As to muslims attacking the U.S. and Iran's nuclear program, there are posts I have done here and here over at General Quarters! on those subjects.